We don't care enough about Fandom to have WANK!

Oct 13, 2010 11:31

"We don't care enoug about Fandom to have wank!" - Ryan, host of The Poufwa Exchange, former host of Potterficweekly.

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The quote above got me thinking about the secret lives of fandom people!
I also don't know much about fandom wank, well, besides the twilighters being batshit crazy (not all of them) and throwing acid in some body's face just because they don't like Twilight. Well, gee-shucks-darn, I don't like Twilight either! In fact, it annoys me. Ugh. I am not an Anit, or a Hater, I just refuse to read those badly written books!

Anyway, this is not a rant on Twilight.

Anyway, I guess fandom wank is when people get all...up in arms about something not being cool.
Liek Mary Sue fics, where the girl is all I am so perfect, and everyone reading it is either thirteen and don't have a good sense of what good writing is all about (looks at Twilight shiftily) or we got suckered into it and now we regret it and hit the back space button so bloody fast that our internet browser cannot keep up!

Okay, so maybe I am being a bit bitchy because I'm on my period. I don't care.

But in most fandoms that I am in, there isn't any wank. The quote I put at the above is directed at the HP fandom.
Where is the wank? no where. I swear, HP fans have to be the kindess I've ever come across because they don't throw temper tantrums just because a person doesn't like a story about an orpahn who finds out he has super powers and goes to a school where he finds out he saved the world from a Dark Evil Over Lord. *sheesh!* yeah, dumb story, its almost as dumb as Sparkly Vampyre who fall in love with a human girl but only see her as something to be owned and the girls all "oh yes! define my life!" - *sharpens silver knife, Twilight books start to slowly back away -

So, what is Wank, why do fandoms have it and does any one have any good resources for me to use?

twilight, supernatural, anti, rl, fandom, hater, wank, boy wizard, sparkly vamps

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