Title: The Worst Defeat
karlamartinova Pairing: Rachel/Finn, Rachel/Jesse
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Own nothing!
AN: Written for a challenge at
gleeverse , I got a prompt: What if ND won the regionals, what would that mean for Rachel/Jesse?
“I never wanted us to end this way, “Rachel spoke quietly but loud enough for Jesse to hear. He was sitting on the stage where his biggest defeat occurred just few hours ago. He knew they were good, that she was good but it still brought a bitter taste to his mouth. The defeat and the kiss she shared with someone different than him.
“And yet you are with him,” Jesse spoke and turned his head toward her. He wanted to show her hatred, to tell her to go to hell, but he couldn’t. She was his weakness, a plan that went wrong, a pretended affection that somehow came to be real.
He fell for her. And suddenly he wasn’t worried about the competition, about the role he played in Shelby’s game. He cared just about Rachel. When he noticed her looking at Finn, he stopped himself from analyzing it. Jesse knew that they were an item, he should pay more attention at first, and his heart wouldn’t be broken twice already.
Rachel looked at him guiltily and after a while came closer sitting on the floor next to him. “I didn’t plan it. It just happened, I and Finn, there was always a deep connection but I stopped believe in us some time ago.”
Jesse nodded, like he didn’t want to listen anymore.
“I really loved you,” Rachel said and he turned toward her. Maybe after all that was the thing he needed to hear, to be accepted as someone, to be someone she loved.
He smiled at her. “Congratulations, you all deserved it.”
She smiled back and got up straightening her skirt. “Thank you.”
Jesse watched her retreating back. She turned back to him just before the door. “Will I see you again?”
The hope in her voice made his heart beat faster and he needed to stop himself from an enthusiastic nod. He had at least so much pride in himself.
Instead there was just a quiet “maybe.”
Title: First Love
karlamartinova Pairing: Rachel/Finn, mentions of Quinn/Finn
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG 13
Disclaimer: Own nothing!
AN: Written for a challenge at
gleeverse .
She felt cheap. Like an RnB song that got to hit parade because of a sexy video and Rachel Berry wasn’t like that, she was a star, a diva. And only one person could make her feel cheap as she was feeling right now, Finn Hudson.
The room was hidden in half shadow and Rachel could already see the morning sun making its way toward home. She should be already on her way but she kept sitting on the bed, covered in cheap motel sheets. Events from the previous night were replaying in her mind like an old movie, old romantic movie.
Rachel was so happy when Finn agreed on meeting her here. She made sure to let him know it’s a date and he didn’t seem to mind. He came, they talked and then he kissed her.
She wasn’t sure if she planned to lose her virginity with him, but she let him remove her shirt and kiss his way toward her breasts. At that time, she gasped and moaned and didn’t think about consequences, about Quinn. She let him completely undress her and blushed when he told her how beautiful she looked.
Rachel knew it would hurt, she read enough books about growing up, it was the way her father’s raised her but she wasn’t prepared for it. It wasn’t Finn´s first time but he was still too clumsy to care about her pain. But then he happily fell asleep on top of her and she couldn’t be happier.
It didn’t last long, his phone beeped and jumped out of the bed with a guilty expression. It was a message form Quinn, from a mother of his future child. He mumbled an apology and left.
Rachel knew she should hate him for using her like that and leaving but she couldn’t. He was her first love after all.