Fic: The StarGate Metaphor (The Big Bang Theory)

Jun 17, 2011 05:06

No, it didn’t have anything to go with grad students crushing onto said fried, because, yeah, he has some pride or something.

“Tell me, Sheldor, did you conquer some queen?” he asked over Thai one evening and Sheldon was the only person in the room who actually ignored him. Both Raj and Leonard smirked and Penny thought about Queen Penelope because yeah, he was a perfect knight to her queen. In virtual world, of course.

“I don’t see what this is any of your business,” Sheldon spoke and Penny actually freaked out because Penelope was about to shed the new ninja outfit she bought for her.

“Just curious, I guess,” Howard didn’t ask more and it really didn’t anything to do with Penny’s foot connecting to his ankle. It hurt, thanks for asking.

It hurt her more because that image is really difficult to erase from her mind.

“If I would find once a suitable mate I don’t see any reason why I shouldn’t reproduce. My sperm are in perfect health according to my doctor,” Sheldon delivered his speech with perfect precision and Penny felt the food stuck in her throat.

Howard didn’t stop. He asked and pried and then Sheldon had enough. Penny didn’t think that this day will once come but it was one of these conversation that got saved into her head and were regularly updated because, what means “a suitable mate” to Sheldon?

Most men think about their mom, a cook and cleaning lady with reproductive organs inside (yes, she was forced to watch Stargate, thank you, and she actually thinks that that Sam chick can kick ass of anyone she wants to) but Sheldon wasn’t like most men. Does he have an IQ scale she needs to reach? Geek shows she must watch? Does he like blonds or brunettes? (She actually excuses herself after this question pops out in her head).

Penny doesn’t like to think much. It’s exhausting and it makes her regret things and not to do things she wants to because thinking means you’re aware of consequences and she ignored them pretty much till now.

“Sheldon, do you think I am pretty?” she asked after Troy dumped her. He was an idiot and she didn’t like him at all but he was her ticket from Sheldonland and he actually kicked her right back. Onto Sheldon’s sofa.

“Is this some kind of tricky question?” his voice was serious. It wasn’t supposed to be because the question was meant as a quick way out or a very quick way in (and Penny really tries to ignore the secondary meaning of that).

She felt stupid. She shook her head.

And Sheldon looked nervous. His hands were moving too much, without any reason and when they finally landed at his knees and he looked at her, Penny wanted to run. There was honesty on his face without any words.

His mouth was moving, forming an overly complicated sentences that would make her stop thinking such nonsense like how his skin smells without his clothes on but Sheldon never really worked according to the plan.

“Yes, you are very pretty,” he stated after a while and it’s the single most normal thing he ever let out of his mouth.

Penny wanted to smile, to thank him but instead she run. She didn’t even close the door and she expected Sheldon to scold her for that sooner than later.

He never did and when Steve came after Troy, she dumped him because when he told her she was pretty, it didn’t make her heart skip a beat. And it all got even more ridiculous after that because she seemed to have a weird crush on her wacky neighbor and Queen Penelope was three levels up thanks to her avoiding him and it’s all great, really.

But then he had to turn on her door because the guys thought he said something to her that made her stop coming over every single night. And oh, how right (wrong) they were.

“I need to apologize to you, Penny. I had to obviously said or done something. I’m sorry, please come play Halo,” he sounded sincere and there was regret in his eyes and Penny never saw this emotion on him before. She missed him and she is one week to her period and crazy, so it’s natural she pulled him to her and kissed him.

Penny is sure that he didn’t expect it but he didn’t show it. Instead he was the one who closed the door, who made her open her lips with the tip of his tongue. But its Penny, who leads him to her bedroom, pushes him onto her bed and makes his muscles twitch with small touches.

And now it isn’t important what was before, which thoughts were bothering her nonstop because, oh God, Sheldon is a quick learner. He touches her like she is solid and breakable at once. He holds onto her waist and draws his thumbs slowly up, his eyes not leaving her face for one single second.

Penny never felt so naked in her life. Sheldon takes away layers, one after one. The hot blonde across the hall, the confident party girl, the uncertain girl from Nebraska, they all come away and only Penny stays.

"You aren’t pretty, Penny, you are spectacularly beautiful,” he whispers and kisses her temple.

She loses it right then and when later, they hear Leonard knocking on her door; she doesn’t even raise her head. He is knocking only twice, it isn’t important.

fic, bigbangtheory, sheldon/penny, fic:tbbt

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