(no subject)

Jan 09, 2006 23:55

Greeeeaaaat, Reese is in heat. I keep catching Kaidan trying to hump her and have had to keep breaking them up. I'm all, Hey you two, no illicit sex in my hallway -- or my kitchen -- or my... Yeah, it got tiring. Kaidan doesn't even have balls, where's he getting this sex drive? I finally shut Reese up in the spare bedroom after I caught her walk in front of Kaidan's face and crouch down with her ass in the air. It's like, I've seen two-dollar whores with more subtlety. You're outta here.

Now I feel like the antagonist in a Shakespearean play because Romeo is crouched by that bedroom door like a sphinx and Juliet is making her horny purr on the other side.
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