(no subject)

Jan 02, 2006 17:44

I'm back! *hugs computer* *hugs kitties* *kisses Esme* *kisses Reese* *kisses Gigantor AKA Kaidan* I don't have to bend down very far for that last cat, though I do have to hold onto him because the boy loves to squirm.

Louisiana? Wow, does it suck there. At least the town I was in does. No internet in my hotel. The cable channels there were ass. I spent my New Years watching marathons on various cable channels. Watched a bit of the 24 one on A&E, laughing at the fact that hoity-toity high-tech CTU had Bell 204s as rescue helicopters. They stopped making those in 1956. Something I didn't notice the first time I saw season 1, since back then I didn't know piss-all about helicopters.

Didn't even notice the new year had come and gone because at the time, I was apparently watching the Law & Order CI marathon on USA, trying to figure out why some guest star actress looked so damn familiar. I finally recognized her as Dr. Contrivance from AMC (and I bet only abby20 remembers who that is, if it hasn't sifted through her brain by now).

I guess it was worth it, going and all. Got double-time-and-a-half for it, and got paid for at least ten hours a day, whether I did anything or not. They got their money's worth out of me the first couple days but then I ran out of stuff to do. New Years Day, I slept till noon, went to work at one, stayed for a couple hours, went back to the hotel, watched the Monk marathon on USA, recognized Lauren from Alias in an episode -- freaky!, went back to work at five, stayed an hour, went back to the hotel. Ka-ching, ten hours work. I love my job.

They finally called me back today because I'm expensive.

And because the sheer volume of comments in her post is intimidating, I'll just go ahead and offer my congrats to caltrask55 here. Yay you!
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