(no subject)

Dec 27, 2005 01:23

So, I'm back from my mom's. The kitties were alive and well when I returned so that was good. Me, not so much. That flu or whooping cough or whatever the fuck it was that I contracted still continues to kick my ass. I'm on Day Five of no cigarettes. Not for lack of trying, but I'm physically incapable of inhaling cigarette smoke -- which kind of freaks me out. Weird. But I only recently regained the ability to inhale a full breath of air so I guess it's a babysteps thing.

As for the xmas loot, I got... stuff. It's not really a highly celebrated holiday amongst my clan so there's only a few scant gifts exchanged here and there. Feh. I wasn't even able to get hardly anything for anybody because I was too busy dying right before xmas.
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