IMPORTANT!!! To all our geek friends, posted our press release. Please share/re-tweet/"like" it on their site. PLEASE!! THANK YOU!
(Creates more links, bumps up search engine ratings, etc.)
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Just to make sure I understand the product correctly: it's a C-language code editor, with debugging tools, that installs to Windows and compiles for other devices?
PS: THANKS A HUMONGOUS TON for doing that; we are indebted to you. Our little C compiler company literally IS our family's livelihood. We are still trying to struggle out of the devastation the Crash of 2008 wreaked upon us (Our income still qualifies our kids for college Pell Grants, which should tell you something about where we are still at. :/)
Before the crash, we even used to have a couple of employees (and unlike many other micro-businesses out there (because tiny businesses are not legally obligated to do so), we always paid everyone FULL benefits, including FULL healthcare). I'd love to be able to eventually get to the point where we are able to do so again.
That's admirable for you to take care of employees like that, it's a pity that the practice isn't more widespread. My boss doesn't hire anyone full time, specifically to avoid having to provide healthcare. He even had me sign a contract when he hired me that I'd never work more than 30 hours per week. For the sake of full disclosure, I was looking for part-time anyway to allow myself more time to deal with college coursework, but it's the principle of the matter that makes me question it a little. (I honestly don't know enough about their operational costs to know whether this is a truly necessary measure to stay in business - it's a small company in an office building + warehouse - or just an example of fine American
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