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Even if owning a small business "entitles" us to be exempt from providing insurance, we refused to work that into our business model, because we believed that would be completely unethical. Your boss doesn't seem to have much of a conscience, but I would not be able to sleep at night knowing I had an employee who had to go without any healthcare because they could not afford health insurance, because it WOULD be my fault.
All of us in this country have lived our lives subject to America's employment-dependent insurance system, and private insurance has so often been out of any reasonable reach, whether by excess cost or too-easy deniability. We've had too many friends in the position of working for small businesses or unwillingly part-timed, many of whom have had to go without any health care for a long time now due to insurance unaffordability; and I think it's despicable that the law allows employers to pull shit like that.
Hopefully, Obamacare will finally go a good ways toward fixing things. (Personally, I am a big fan of Single Payer, and of a Canadian-style of health care system. I wish.)
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