Wow, was today ever busy. Lots of calls to deal with. Well. More than we usually have to deal with in the run of a usual shift, anyway. Nothing too out of the ordinary (thankfully?), but naturally there is a ton of paperwork to get done as a result. I had to bring some of it home, actually. So. I don't know if I should be writing on a break from writing, but there you go. I could have stayed at the Ministry to get this finished, but I have to work the day shift tomorrow (you're welcome, Kingsley) and... yeah. I didn't want to be there all night again.
I was supposed to watch Luna tonight, but I had to foist her on Mum so I could get this work done. Not that she minded, of course. Mum absolutely loves being a grandmother and she spoils Luna rotten. I'm guilty of that too, I guess!
I suppose I should get back to work. This stuff isn't going to get written on its own (though I really wish it would, because I know I'm going to be dreaming about parchment tonight!) and it sort of needs to get finished as soon as possible.
The thing with Igraine is absolutely awful. I just- I don't even know what to say to it (Fiona had a few choice words, let me assure you). I just hate it when stuff like that happens, let alone to one of my best friends.
It just puts things into perspective for me, and to know that I am a very, very lucky girl to have what I have with Solon.
Naturally the buzz around the office for the past couple of days is Kingsley taking off and getting married. I am definitely happy for him, I was just surprised that it happened the way it did. I mean, the bloke was engaged, so it's not like it wasn't going to happen, but. I don't know. It seems a fair number of people are eloping these days and I just never see any of it coming. And I can see why people go for it, in hindsight. It's terribly romantic, though. If I ever- If something like that ever happens to me, it's probably something I would consider, to be quite honest.
But yeah. I'm not going any further than that down that road.