tuesday morning

Mar 14, 2006 08:33

I'm becoming one of those people.

you know the kind I'm talking about. the kind that sits around reading livejournal, but never actually posts anything in it. they're the silent lurkers. sometimes grasping for more reading material, but never contributing themselves.

like the people in group projects who sit there silently, while everyone else talks. those kind of people always pissed me off in class. participate! c'mon!

although I realize that for some people, it's just shyness. and for those people, I have sympathy. god knows that I'm like that in social situations. silently sitting, taking everything in. watching other people's gestures and listening to their intonation. the figures of speech that they like to use, the ones that keep popping up. "good times," "oh man," "ya'know?" "I know!"

the first time I met josh, I was like that.

I think I said a total of like... 4 sentences that entire evening.

but I watched his hands while he talked. and noted that his fingernails were clean and short.

this is beside the point, though.

the point was that I haven't written in livejournal in a while. but this isn't anything new. every now and then I get a flash of inspiration, or the desire to reach out and communicate with people, or simply, a need to vent my frustrations. writing as catharsis.

but sometimes, it's too public. sometimes I'd rather write my thoughts on paper, in the little journal that I keep in my bag. to feel the pen running across the paper. to listen to the scraping noise that it makes. the physicality of it all.



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