my eyes are puffy and my neck hurts.

Feb 15, 2006 10:53

but it's okay.

I feel like a mother. sort of.

sophie wouldn't stop meowing last night. she was lonely, I guess. she rampaged around the apartment last night and ended up knocking over the entire dvd shelving unit at about 2:30am. probably over 200 dvds on the floor.

I could have ignored her, kept squirting her with the water bottle to let her know that she was doing something bad. but realizing that it wouldn't solve the problem; that I still wouldn't be able to go to sleep (and neither would josh), because she'd keep doing something noisy, and our apartment is too small to escape it.

instead, I got my pillow. my blanket. my glasses. my water bottle. and went into the living room to sleep. at 2:30 in the morning, it seemed like a good idea, but in retrospect, it could have been a very bad one. venturing into a land where crazed cat runs wild = pain. (she's jumped on my face and scratched my neck in a bout of excitement.)

but. I took the gamble that she was just lonely.

and she was. she slept with me (relatively calmly - I had to get her to stop chewing on my sweater's zipper) for the rest of the night. no crazy running around the apartment and crashing into things, no meowing (well, a little, but not much), no falling off of things.

so. it was kind of sweet. but bittersweet. I would have liked to be able to cuddle with josh yesterday night. but it was cold, and sophie kept waking us up. so. yeah.

it's just that now I have a crink in my neck from sleeping on the couch.

and I have to pick up all those dvds.

sleep, apartment, dvds, sophie

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