Apr 19, 2019 21:42
Have I mentioned just how much it sucks to drive for 11 hours? I mean, on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being shoot me now, it's pretty much an 11.
My back and shoulder are NOT happy with me, but soon it will be done. Only 5 more hours. Luckily I've been occupied with driving and texting people when I'm not driving. Got in touch with an old friend. It's really great to talk to him.
There's a lot to do this week. Mostly un-packing and getting to know my new jobby job. Then I'm off to SF for a weekend of fun, which I have no doubt will be fun with a capital FUN. I get to hang out with a puppy all day and have someone cook for me. Can't imagine how it could be any better than that.
It's going to go by fast. Faster than I'm ready for. I know that.
I look forward to familiar. To spending time with people who aren't self centered. To hugs. All the hugs. And a puppy. Because PUPPY.