Time Warp Originally uploaded by
karensimms. This time, the fire department. When I got home after having dinner with my dad I heard a smoke detector beeping. My first thought was, "oh shit, now I'm burning the freaking house down!" I quickly realized that the annoyance was coming from the vacant house next door. I talked to my neighbor and she decided to call the fire department. They sent a truck out with sirens roaring and everything. Alex was INTO seeing the guys in their full gear. Luckily, it was just a malfunction with a detector. Hmmm...which authorities shall I call out tomorrow.
Last night we had a rousing time out on the town. CS, ML, and I tore it up!! We spotted this girl that looked exactly like me at 18. WE couldn't get over the resemblance. ML and I went over and asked if we could take her picture. Her friends were all stunned by the similarity. I didn't see it as mush in person, but I sure do in the pic. She even had my personality and giggle. The best part...she told me she is thankful that she will look as good as me when she reaches my age. Sweet.