Jun 18, 2006 14:50
Yep, it's true. Just hours after a shooting took place a block away from our house, someone broke into our home.
Approximately one hour after CS and I went to bed, a little f-ing thief (or thieves) was able to get two of our windows open and crawled right in. The only thing they took was my purse, which only held about $40. The strange this is, we had two ipods, two laptops, another bag, my car keys, and hundreds of cd's and dvd's within inches of the purse. All of those things were untouched. Which led to my fear that I scared the perp when I came downstairs, making him flee to the basement. Once that thought entered our minds, we called 911 and ran outside. Two officers showed up. After making sure the house was "all clear," they called forensics in to dust for fingerprints. You can only imagine at how excited we were to actually have forensics in our home. We were like giddy children...topped off by the CSI coming out and saying, "whose Forensics For Dummies book is that on the table?" CS was able to proudly accept ownership of the book and proclaim his love for CSI and Forensic Files. Anyway, no prints were lifted. While canceling my credit cards, I learned that the little shit(s) used two of my credit cards at a nearby gas station. The officer let me know that he would be watching the surveillance tape from the gas station. Oooooooh yeeeah, how cool.
Here's how it went down:
10:16 pm - we heard gunshots in the neighborhood
~ 12:00am - CS and I sitting on the porch with friends randomly discussing what we should do to deter criminals from
breaking into our house.
5:00am - CS and I go to sleep
6:26am - Jackass used my credit card
6:28am - Jackass used my credit card
7:30am - Someone calls and wakes me up
12:30pm - I go downstairs
1:00pm - CS goes downstairs
~2:45pm - We realize we have been robbed
~3:00pm - CS calls 911
~3:10pm - cops show up...