The Conflux Podcasts

Oct 05, 2007 10:04

Are now available. These are the recordings of some of the convention panels, and are a great way to relive the experience or catch up on what you missed out on or get a taste of what you missed! I'm even on some of them ... *g* Go here:

Huge thanks and kudos to Nicole and her team, for organising this.

I've just spent the last two days pretty much unconscious. Yanno, I never fail to underestimate how exhausted I get at a con. And now I have to go shopping because my desk lamp blew its bulb and I've run out. Sigh.

Except ... wait a minute ... didn't I see ...

(runs back out to kitchen)

Yes! Yes! I had another energy saver long life bulb. So yay! I don't have to go out till later.

Excuse me. No more blogging. It's time to get to work.

Don't forget to check out the podcasts!

conflux, writing

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