
May 06, 2014 09:36

After a long, cold winter, it's now spring. Spring in Ottawa was fighting it out with winter, but of course Spring always wins eventually. Ottawa's spring often jumps from 0 degrees C to 20 (freezing to summer) in about a week, and this week is going from 5 (Monday) to 20 (Friday.)

That sounds complainy! but here's the good news about this week: sun! sun! sun! sun! sun! :)

Work is still very stressful, yet I'm feeling more cheerful, as you can tell.

I joined the David Suzuki 30 x 30 nature challenge again this year, which means I pledged to spend half an hour a day outside in nature. What a great thing! Much spotting of crocuses, tulips, wildflowers, and birds, even though I'm mostly just walking outside around my apartment building and neighbourhood.
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