Mar 12, 2014 22:39
Gavin, my older son, just got into Queen's! I'm so happy and excited. He's applied to Carleton, Toronto, and Waterloo as well, but this is the first response. I helped edit his Statement of Purpose and suggested some stuff to put in, so I feel some writerly pride, but mostly motherly pride at his accomplishment.
He's applying to Computer Science programs. Now the question will become: can we afford for him to go out of town? Would he be ok out of town vs. at the local uni? One good thing about Queen's is it's close enough to come home for a weekend; it's 3 hrs away, vs. Toronto's 5 and Waterloo's 6 or 7.
Logistics and funding later, as well as G needing a summer job. For now, a moment of pure happy!