Sep 13, 2010 21:49
In the past 24 days I've attended three conferences and one short course, ridden one plane and 20 trains to travel between them, toured a salt mine, and attended a traditional lamb dinner in a 14th Century house in the beautiful Schnals valley in the Alps. I'll try to make time to write it all up, later, but in the mean time I need to list everything that needs doing ASAP now that I'm home, in hopes that it helps...
* hang up the clothes that are being washed as I type (ok, so some of these are easy!)
* turn in capsules from the last the experiment to be set in epoxy
* get to the natural food store and purchase ingredients for more muesli and a variety of other foods that had run low before leaving town
* get to the huge supermarket that carries the cheese I like best and bring some home (both stores are a 30 minute walk away--in opposite directions!)
* finish unpacking everything from the last trip and put it away
* get the guest bedding and towels washed and ready for the next guest (Hi mom!)
* get the Mathmatica mass balance calculations working and compare the % of each phase in my experiments with the calculated % from Perple_X
* get two new capsules filled and ready for the next experiment ASAP
* discuss with my boss which conditions that experiment should run at--does he agree with my thinking on the topic?
* update all of my logs in the computer for yesterday and today from my notes
* update personal finances
* figure out finances for all of the uni-related conferences and turn in receipts for reimbursement
* look up all occurrences of Talc in real metapelites and/or metagreywackes and compile list of their compositions and associated phases and compare them with our data
* sand the various wooden objects that followed me home from Budapest
* finish up the various nalbinding projects that are nearly done and get photos
* get photos off of my camera from the trip and post them to Facebook
* Type up adventures for both my geo-blog and LJ and include some photos with each
* catch up on e-mail and livejournal (no hope of catching up on Facebook--Know too many people there--if you said anything there important in the past week or two that I should know about, please let me know
* apply to the teaching positions that have application deadlines this month and get ready to apply for the ones that have deadlines in October, November, and December
* back up computer files
* take down old poster and hang up one with most current results
* make table of predicted compositions of minerals from Perple_X to compare with our results
* mend black skirt
* book tickets to Cairo for Mom and I
I suspect there is more, but that is quite long enough for now. Time to actually try to accomplish one or two of them...
uni work,