Oct 31, 2012 19:46
I want to plant fruit trees in my oddly triangular side yard. I'm angsting about how many and what sizes. I want apple trees and maybe a pear tree.
The space is a right triangle with the top tip cut off. It's about 23' across the base, 23' up the left side to the broken tip, 7' across at the flat end, and then has a long angled side back to the base.
Fruit trees come in a variety of sizes, which are controlled by the rootstock they've been grafted onto.
The smallest are dwarf trees, which can be planted 5'-10' apart and grow 6-10' tall. They start producing fruit in only 2-3 years. Dwarf trees need to be staked, live less long, and generally need a bit more care than larger trees. (For anyone who wants details, I'm talking about a B9 rootstock here.)
A few sizes up are semi-dwarfing, which can be planted 15-25' apart, and grow to 12-15' tall. They take 4-6 years to produce fruit. (And here I'm talking about M111.)
My dilemma is: which should I get? I could fit three trees in a nice layout if I try, but that would probably want to be two semi's and a dwarf. Would it look odd to mix them? Is it better to get all dwarfs (in which case I could maybe get four)? Or would it be better to go with only the hardier, larger semis and only get two?