If you don't read this, well then yeah your stupid, bc this has been an interesting. 7 days.

Jan 19, 2006 16:30

Ok so I definitely havn't updated this bitch in a while, so I figure what the hell and start at friday, because before that my life wasn't very interesting.

FRIDAY. Did homework, right after school amazing I know. Then cleaned up a little, got ready and then went to Meghan's for a Friday the 13th movie night thing, watch 2 entertaining parts of the movie, Part 1 & 5, between them we watch 2 or 3 parts of Rockey Horror Picture Show, just to do the Time Warp & show everyone the transexual. But While watching fri. the 13th there was def. a lot of shirtless women, who got killed right after they had sex, yeah I know I have a new slogan. "Friday the 13th, the cure for teen sex." Dun dun dunnnn....

SATURDAY. Went to Marissa's house to meet with Marissa, Marlea, & Hannah then we all took a walk down to Mrs. Holland's house to bring her cookies and a card, had to sign that card for The missing 4 holland hotties who couldn't make it. Then went to Olive Garden with Marissa, and Meghan met us there. After dinner or lunch, whatever it was, went to pick up Jose and Fluffy to head down to Brian's show. interesting ride there. We had Mexican's, and Jose yelling out at them "VIVA LA MEXICO" or whatever was said, then we got to the concert, very good, a lot of fun a lot of head banging. Then the way home was entertaining, blasting Colt 45 getting stared down by like mexican's and preps, and them like following us everywhere, Marissa flicking them off, Jose yelling stuff out at them, those fuckers were just jealous of my beast. Once I dropped everyone off me and Meg came back to my house and we passed out.

SUNDAY. Sat in my room with Meghan calling people to see who wanted to do Community Service with us. Out of like the many people we called the only people who could go were Ethan, Jessy, & Jose. It was fun almost got hit by a car, ok so that was possibly my fault, bc well I'm stupid and need to learn how to find out if it's a 3 way stop before I actually go. We came up with ideas for the show next year, Mario theme would be amazing, don't hate. You know you'd love it. lol Later we all come back to my house, and Marissa came over, we were about to head out to Matt's house, and those of you who know why we couldn't it's gonna stay on the DL, because the people who need to know, know. Instead we went up to Ethan's since Jose is allergic to dogs. Had to be home by 10:30 so I was home like 25 minutes before then.

MONDAY. Went to Disney, and it's pretty much self explanatory. "My name is Juan, I'm from Argentina, no it is not a joke, I am, Don't cry for me Argentina." Oh and "HEY YOU YEAH YOU GET YOUR HAND OUT OF YOUR PANTS." "THIS IS A FAMILY THEME PARK, STOP TOUCHING YOURSELF!" oh and "Don't tell Kelly" The "people mover" as it has now been dubbed, now has the official, Jose, Fluffy, Meghan, Marissa, and Sam ass prints on it, because we rode it like 5 times, and 3 in a row. I love it when gay guys hit on Jose & Fluffy, it makes me laugh.

TUESDAY. Went to school. Hit my head on a chair during Belles laughed at myself, got yelled at for "joking around" I HURT MY SELF GOD DAMNIT, CAN'T YOU SEE THERE ARE TEARS COMING OUT OF MY EYES I'M SORRY THAT I THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY. Yeah Minear's an ass. So because of that I skipped concert choir. Then I went to Brian's band practice, it was fun, saw hot drummer guys room, don't get any idea's. got to stare at hot drummer guy, almost got mooned by hot drummer guy until he realized "oh yeah there's a girl here". and yeah that's about it, it was fun.

WEDNESDAY. School guard, need I say more. Lost my purse, found it in Minear's office, after he had told me that he hadn't seen a purse laying around the chorus room, which would be another reason why I hate him at the moment Oh and had a talk between Myself, Meghan and Marlea, that was fun. I'm glad that everything is cleared up, and made better.

TODAY!!! Wow. School. Belle's went good, I'm proud of the ensemble that I was put in, we all get along and there is no clashing of personalities. But the other ensemble from what I have heard, well doesn't get along at all, and have gotten through like 1 page of their song. yeah that must suck. Concert Choir wasn't all that bad today, there are sometimes when i want to quit, but other times, when I don't. I love singing and I honestly don't know what I would do without it. Ohhh yeah and my favorite part was taking Jessy home. So we are sitting in my van at a red light, talking. and you know it was about how I can't get with Juniors, and the only bf I will ever be able to get is a freshmen, well it wasn't said in those words. then we were like yeah it's because the 2 juniors that I have liked this year (one of whom I still like blehh) well one is an arrogant ass hole and the other well he's just GAYY. Then I was like "well I guess I'll ask him if he wants to just hang out as friends, and if he says no, then I'm gonna give up." Then Jessy was like "Yeah and if he says no, because of homework, he's gay, and he's gonna die alone, and not get laid, or get pussy." Then I was like "Well... he's gonna die alone and be buried with homework over his penis, because that's the only thing he can get, or wants, but before then he'll masturbate with homework..." and talking about this when on for a little while, until this freak pulls up his car a little bit and stares at us and smiles? I looked at him like "do I know you?" and he said, "I'm sorry I just heard your conversation" and me and Jessy are sitting there like.. mmmk? and you had to stare at us why?? you pervert! Yeah it was amazing & funny.

Props to who ever read this whole thing, and if you didn't your stupid. The end, and your gonna die alone with Homework over your penis, or your pussy which ever may be the case.
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