You know what I hate? Liars...posers, people who are fake..
I mean really? What's the point...I'm in such a crappy mood right now and what's stupid - I don't even know its just ridiculous. Why are people so dumb..why can't they see when they hurt people..and if they could, why don't they care? Why is the world emotionless, unless something bad is happening to them? How come they don't give a crap until they're feeling the pain, when they are hurt...that's what I hate. I hate how I feel right now, I hate having to deal with stupid arse people who are too conceited to see the truth...and I wish some people would just see what it is they are doing. I suppose I hate those who KNOW what they are doing more than those who are blind to see it. WHAT.THE.CRAP! I hate being in this type of mood...I'm on the verge of tears..F(^3-q09743hg..
I learn something today..people don't always leave..and when they do they CAN come back. People don't always leave, but people always lie.