oh he's slightly clever to just a certain extent...

Jul 09, 2007 01:48

this week has been sweet.

my birthday was a chilled affair with a speckle of adventure in the afternoon. i spent the morning bumming around, opening presents and gushing over my cat. in the afternoon, i decided i wanted to go for a drive to the most english place in southern nsw. so we get to robertson, have tea and scones in at one of my favourite sweet little cafes and then i'm all "i want adventure!" and mum's all "...right. okay. um." and i point to the sign that says 'belmore falls' and away we go! we drive down this beautiful road that's just surrounded by farms so i'm yelling things like "don't die little sheepies!" and "if they tell you you're going on holiday, don't believe them!" to all the grazing herds THROUGH MY WINDSCREEN and mum's just kinda shaking her head and thinking that 23 must be a suggestion and not a reality. then we pass this sign that i need to go back and take a photo of one day. it should've been a warning to us that we didn't understand what it meant, but it said something like "the road ahead is accessible only for articulated vehicles" and we both kinda shrug and say that we don't know if our car speaks clearly or not and then i start talking about transformers and then about 2 minutes later we hit OFF ROAD POTHOLE CITY. AWESOME. and we also passed a place called 'evilly vale' on the way. heh. pothole city was hilarious. i laughed like a maniac, mum made ivan milat jokes and asked me how badly i wanted my inheritance. mmm, fear is good. after a good long while of the practical version of 'finding out what articulated vehicle' means, we reach the waterfall.

belmore falls, in the southern highlands of nsw. beautiful, if you have an articulated vehicle and means of fending off serial killers.

and here, have some more photos for added value.

my cake! it has candy flowers! and two candles normal candles and one chunky 3 candle! and the cake tasted like spirits and yogo, whoo!

my fam, myspace style. dad doesn't normally look that stoned. mum doesn't normally look that interested. i always look a bit retarded, but you probably know that by now.

me and mum, myspacing it at the falls. heavy winds on high platforms make me happy :D

my cat will totally eat your firstborn and do you for afters. he's already stolen your soul and he needs to replenish after being adorable and evil (adorevil? hmm) all day.

and it's wonderful. but the viewing platform is amongst the trees and the place is deserted and we both now have serial killers on the brain so we leave pretty quickly ("c'mon, let's get back to the car" "yeah, if it's still there" "uuugh" :D), only for me to take a wrong turn and end up at a road that is under a rather fast-moving river. i am so full of bad direction and was so convinced that some jerk was going to come flying round the corner and total me while i was turning my beast of a car around. but yeah, we got back and i laughed at evilly vale again and told the sheep not to die some more and mum just kept shaking her head *beam*

dinner was in kiama and that was cool. had some caramelly chocolatey coffee icecream thing for dessert and my waiter stuck a candle in it and sung happy birthday. hurrah for embarrassing fathers. mum and i got tipsy from the wine. mum starts saying to dad "are you sure you're okay to drive?" and dad's like "um, if you want to get home tonight, there's no other option". heh, go my family.

throughout the day, i received helljay posts and text messages and voicemails from a lot of lovely folk. you all rock. viv wishing me happy easter, sarah saying "I'M IN UR VOICEMAIL, LEAVIN U BIRTHDAY MESSAGES", court messaging at sunrise in paris, shaz putting words in wentz's mouth and everyone else who remembered that the 4th is not just partytime in the states just made my week. love you all so hard *makes out*

and then! i get home after work on the 5th and there's a box outside my door that says "fruit only" and regardless of it being outside my door, it has to be for me, right? oh yes, yes it was. my bestie had bought me a crate of fruit and wine coz he wins at birthday presents. i now am in love with cumquats and not just because their name kinda makes me giggle. taste explosion, mmm. and there was this other thing in there that was this super deep purple on the outside but when i sliced it open, i found this almost-white fleshy thing in the centre and i spent a good thirty seconds looking at it and trying to decide if it had come from an animal or not. it looked like something beastly from a horror film or something. smelled alright though. tasted awesome! creamy and fruity and stuff. definitely not sheep bits in a purple shell. thanks nutbarramblings!

and THEN! i open my mail and see that tara is the most amazing thing ever because she sent me a cute little card that's shiny and is filled with her adorable handwriting and she sent me book money! and that will totally go to the purchase of deathly hallows, if you're allowed to use vouchers for preorders. it would be stupid if you couldn't. i figured it was fitting, considering tara's a hp geek like me. i remember seeing her slytherin bag on our first real life meeting and feeling a lot more cool about the ravenclaw patch on my flight bag. so yeah. augustuscaesar = amazing. *attaches self to her face*

the rest of the week was work. spent saturday at our clearance store by myself and claire had told me all i had to do was take money, so i spent the day writing fanfic, making origami and cranking the radio whenever a decent song came on. which was rare, must say. normally i find something new to like whenever i start listening to the radio but everything good i heard was something i'd heard before or owned or downloaded, which is odd considering my music collection is well poor. you lose triple j.

OH! and something that might make us oldskool comedy fans giggle: last saturday, i was coming back from lunch when i saw wil. i've seen wil a few times around bondi westfield and i always kinda laugh in my head and then go on my way. i headed down the first of three escalators and noticed him following me. not intentionally, coz i'm not completely deluded, but y'know. amusing. walked to the second of the escalators and saw gatesy with him. i may've laughed outside my head at this. may've. probably. yes. and then they followed me down that escalator and the next as well. i came back from the clearance store this saturday and claire goes "hey, you know how you said you saw wil and gatesy last week? GATESY WAS IN OUR STORE" and i laughed at that and even more when claire goes "he's kinda hot in real life!" ahahaha oh dear. 'mosh lurker' was so not a fiction guys. no disclaimers necessary on that baby ;)

and then i went out and got drunk on tequila for my work birthday party. made of awesome. lauren, a girl who started about a month ago and that i clicked superquick with, took me to stonewall. it kinda came to me while i was there that i'm 23 and all up in the faggotry and yet have never been to a gay bar before. weird. so lauren goes "do you wanna dance onstage?" and i figure what better way to christen the beginning of my homo clubbing life than dancing on a stage? so i did. three times. awesome.

i also find out i get kinda light-fingered when i'm drunk. mm, maybe not light-fingered, but certain protocols i wouldn't normally break, i have no trouble destroying after a bit of booze. at nick's birthday party, i snuck past a bouncer to avoid paying the first time i went in, and feigned deafness the second time. last night, i lifted two cans of red bull from the bar, condoms and magazines from the information area (a gay bar with a bookshelf. ahh bless.) and some dude's lipgloss. i have no interest in any of those things, but i am apparently too young and too stupid to care.

i also got hit on by a really queeny guy, which confused me. probably not as much as it confused him, but whatever. i had an awesome night. stonewall is not my scene but if i keep dancing on stages, i'm sure i'll find the right place eventually. and i'm sure it'll probably be blink, only coz hot girls in corsets is never a bad decision.

and then i came home at 4 in the morning. i put myself to bed with a hot water bottle and felt thoroughly skanky upon waking, but a nice bottle of water and some toast fixed that without an issue. i have spent the rest of the day right here. oh computer, how i heart thee.

so my week was awesome. and i know i'm only really counting from wednesday to sunday as my week, but i know it's going downhill from here. i have to go drop some books off at the library tomorrow and that means i have to face up to the reality of starting school again (leave that talk for another day) and i should also probably go to the doctor for a whole bunch of unsavoury reasons and my tap isn't turning off properly in the bathroom so i'll probably have to call a plumber and damn, doesn't that suck. plumbers are a place where time does not exist. that, and courtesy says i have to clean my house first. that scores a E for effort. no thanks.

anyway, this was just a really long and rambly way of me saying that you guys are super amazing and to thank you so much for remembering me and making me feel warm and squishy on my birthday. i sometimes go through phases where i am dead certain that i have absolutely no friends but now i have something to hit myself around the head with whenever i think that. so thank you lovelyfaces.

birthday, photos, presents!, friendlove

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