broken down on memory lane...

Jun 29, 2007 02:21

howdy. it is late. i have reached that spectacular level of sleep-deprivation and ill health that i care not about making silly fangirly posts. so i shall have at it. indeed.

see, it's her birthday today and i'm not there. not that she was wanting me there or anything, but i'm not there and that bothers me coz she's just incredibly amazing and everyone should want to be where she is. since i don't know if she had to be up for work in the morning, i didn't want to sms at crazyhours, so i made her this. a big hoarking display of texta. coz everyone needs one of those on their birthday.

yesterday, when i got home, i found that my nutbarramblings best had sent me my birthday present early. yay for early presents! it was this shirt right here and hoo-boy was i excited when i found out that (a) it fit and (b) i liked the way i looked in it. dude, keep an ear out for a few horsemen and something about an apocalypse. so i was trying to take a photo of myself in it and obviously i was either bouncing around like an idiot too much or i have body dysmorphia with the belief i have gogogadget arms because this is what i got. it reminded me of being little and having that hyperexcitedness about everything amazing. matt is amazing. this shirt is amazing. i'm not amazing, but i'm a bit of alright sometimes ;p

i spent almost an hour waiting for this fantastic fall out boy picspam to load this evening. it was well worth it. when the slash is so enthusiastically writing itself, it can't help be worth it. but besides all the pictures of pete almost making out with patrick, i found this lovely piece of work. y'know, house differences aside, this is a masterpiece. he's making me do that thing where my want to be his best friend and have insanely beautiful conversations is fighting my want to have crazy schooltie sex with him. not that i have a chance at either, but you know. seriously, who needs to turn 23 when i can die happy right now?

i found loltheorists about two weeks ago. it's made of awesome. if you've got a background in philosophy, cultural studies or linguistics, you'll find something on there for you. i saved a whole bunch of them, but most of those require knowing a bit about descartes or kant or whoever the fuck else. luckily, the one that amused me the most is so awesome that pop culture will suffice. oh, unless you totally don't know who that is in the photo. um. sucks to be you, in that case. made by gair, posted to loltheorists

time for the best sleep that 3 hours and 45 minutes can give me. awesome.

dork, birthday, fangirl, photos

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