Tron: Legacy Movie Review

Mar 07, 2011 17:48

Got to see Tron: Legacy over the weekend.

The special effects were great!

Otherwise, it sucked balls. It had too much rubber science and technomagic bullshit. And for me to say that is a big deal because I normally enjoy a certain amount of rubber science in a movie. Also, the characters were lackluster and uninspiring. CLU especially had no menace to him as a villain despite a pseudo-fascist rallying speech he gave to his horde of brainwashed accomplices. The character of Quorra was supposed to "change our world" but once she crossed over from the digital reality she simply hopped on the back of the protagonist's bike. She was nothing more than action girl eye candy for horny nerds.

That is all. Carry on as you were.

science fiction, faggotry, reviews, crap, animation, jewtube, movies, art, technology

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