TV and hair

Sep 10, 2011 12:24

1.  I'm viding again! So exciting when something starts coming together.  I think I'll have it done this week?  Maybe?

2.  Torchwood blew monkey chunks.  Seriously, what even.  Ugh.  I'll probably watch if they get another season, just because I love Gwen, but I'll definitely be fastforwarding through large parts.

On the plus side, Doctor Who today!  And Eureka on Monday!  And many of my shows coming back soon!

3.  I'm definitely hypothyroid, which is why I feel like shit, so I need a new doctor who's willing to actually fucking treat me, so hopefully that search will go well this week.  Until then, I decided to do something nice for myself.

torchwood, hair, rl, vids

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