Aug 19, 2011 21:19
So you know how I've been feeling so shitty lately? My endocronologist ran a TSH level on me (I had half my thyroid removed in Dec, TSH is what tells them if the remaining half of my thyroid is working to compensate).
They tested me a month after surgery and my level was 2.2, well within the normal range. This week's test? 4.3. Technically speaking anywhere from 0.5 to 5.0 is normal, so my doctor doesn't want to do anything yet except take another level in three months. But clearly something changed. The number going up actually means my thyroid function is decreasing. And while 0.5-5.0 is still the largely excepted in the US range, I've also read 0.3-3.0 is used sometimes, and years ago the Mayo clinic told my mom to keep hers between 1 and 2.
Hypothyroidism can cause lots of lovely things, including weight gain and depression. Sound familiar? Oh, and wikipedia (not the greatest source, I know, but they cited other sources) tells me that stress can be a factor, and that adrenal stress can cause dizziness when moving from standing to sitting (happens to me in the mornings all the time these days, I never thought anything of it) and sugar and caffeine cravings (DING DING DING!).
As I said, doc doesn't want to do anything for now, unless new symptoms show up between now and when we do another test. My mom seemed rather incredulous when I told her. But she's the best endocrinologist we have easy access to (my mom tried all the others in town and ended up going to Omaha for years until this new lady set up shop, because they were all assholes) so I'll tough it out for now.
I'll keep working with my therapist. If a hormonal imbalance is to blame, or even just exacerbating existing problems, I'm not going to be able to get completely 'better' with therapy, but this last week since meeting with her has already been better. Just talking with someone helps, and knowing I'm going to be talking with someone about my issues makes me reflect on said issues which gives me more clarity about certain things.
For instance, I'm beginning to realize just how much I've started worrying about my increasingly different views on religion than what my parents hold and how I was raised. My parents aren't the kind of people who would stop talking to me. But I'm worried once I tell them I'm not religious anymore that every conversation we have I'm going to feel like she's judging me or worried about me or guilting me or trying to reconvert me, etc, etc, etc. I know that she'll cry. A lot. And I'll feel awful. But I don't want to keep lying to my parents indefinitely.
BTW, I've been so vocal about my feelings on gay rights that I'll bet you $10 she thinks I'm coming out. Bet. You. Anything.
Ugh. Growing up sucks.