Long night of TV watchin'

Dec 09, 2010 22:02

OK, writing up my thoughts as I go again this week.

Vampire Diaries

-I'm still not sold on Bonnie/Jeremy.  It just feels weird.
-Lol, I love them testing Elena.  Way to use your brains kids!
-OK, I'm not OK with Bonnie sealing Elena in the house. 
-Oh and of course it's Damon's idea.
-"I've been dead before.  I got over it."  It's lines like that that make me enjoy Damon as a character, just not as a romantic lead
-You know who I really do ship on this show?  Jenna/Alaric
-Elena shoving Jeremy off the couch-lololol
-See, Damon's complete lack of caring about the people he murders is proof he's not really changing yet
-"Oh god, you're not getting naked, are you?"  I love you Caroline
-I was really hoping for more follow up on the 'Bonnie nearly killing Luka' thing.  But I suppose he's playing her so of course he's going to make nice.
-Alaric undercover is hilarious
-See, pairing Damon with Alaric makes him far more likeable than pushing the romance with Elena.  They're adorable together.
-HA!  Promo fakeout
-Tyler Lockwood, half naked, in chains.  Balances out Katherine in her underwear.  See?  Male gaze and female gaze get equal representation.
-Why do I kind of ship everyone with Caroline?  Oh yeah, because she's awesome.  (Damon is an exception, obv)
-I can't get into any of these scenes with Luka because I know he's an evil liar who lies.  Well, I guess we don't know if he's really evil, but he's lying to her, and that's enough.
-Gah. Oh.  Ew.   Uh.  Bleh.  Ouch.  Mmm.  Trevino is certainly selling it.
-I love it when the women on this show pwn the men.  Esp Damon.  Gets me every time.
-Alaric is all concerned about him now.  It's both endearing and confusing
-Caroline, you are amazing
-See, I actually kind of like Damon/Rose.  They're closer to equals. 
-I knew he was a lying liar who lies.
-Oh yay, we get Isobel back
-Yeah for Elena making decisions about her own life.  Now who's going to be first to call her an idiot for it?
-Oh god, 5 minutes left, and it's midseason finale.  SOMETHING AWFUL IS GOING TO HAPPEN
-Oh hell no, you best not be hurting Caroline, show.  I will not forgive you if you do.
-Um..shipping it now?  Possibly?  Oh show, why do you do this.
-Hee, Damon's...........glad.
-Seriusly, I love Rose.

(also, lol, all the D/E fans bitching about how disappointing the ep was)


-I sort of love that the title music is always subtly different
-"I think I prefer the sapphire.  It's better for concealing the weapon."  Hee.
-That's the only explanation we get?  Another op fell out?  There are no other 'young women' who are further in training?
-I love that it was Alex's idea to go under.  She knows what she wants
-Nikita knows Michael's angles...tee hee
-Oh hi Thom.  I sort of forgot about you.
-Ah, so they have hooked up.
-"Jerkohff"  I love you Jayden
-I don't get how anyone could get a shippy vibe from Michael/Alex.  They read total father/daughter/mentor/whatever to me
-Finally they figure out someone's been talking
-A big band version of Eye of the Tiger?  That exists?
-Alex looks hot
-Nikita and Alex kicking ass together is officially the most awesome thing ever
-I'm kind of OK with Alex not being able to kill, even though I'm just as OK with Nikita being fine with it when necessary
-Ohhhhhhhhh, exciting
-NIkita has tattoos?  I haven't noticed this before.  Hot.
-This scene is so lololol  Nikita and Alex pretending to be antagonists...hee
-The Inquisitor makes a return
-Michael protecting her...aw?
-I think Michael knows.  He was looking at Alex like he knew she was lying.  And yet he said nothing.
-Just two girls, discussing some torture
-They had cameras in her apartment, but they don't have cameras in their own base?
-Maggie kills me
-This is actually really tense.  Or maybe I'm just easy.
-Lol cheesy sepia flashbacks
-Oh man, framing him.  Ouch.  But smart.
-Lol, that wideass pipe is a little more than a hairline fracture, Percy.
-Game changer that was.  Won't miss Thom overmuch, sad for Alex though.  That's got to suck.

Burn Notice

-Please tell me, whoever they're handing it to, that they're going to copy it first.  Otherwise you know they're going to get betrayed the second they let it out of their sight
-Daily yogurt tally, lol
-Fi's makeshit head bag was cute.  Girl knows how to improvise
-Sam Ax is going to kick some ass, yes?
-I love USA's cross over promos.  But can we get some with Trucco now?
-"I hope your life never depends on your ability to understand relationships.  You'd be dead in a second."  I love you, Fionna
-Bad ass.  Ring of fire, ring of trust. 
-"If he leaves like that again, you won't have to wonder if he's dead or alive, because I will kill him."  Fionna is on fire tonight.  But not the ring of fire.
-Michael is so good and hilarious when he's pretending to be psycho
-You know, I really don't care about the ongoing story arc of the Burn Notice anymore.  Mostly because every time they promise a game changer the status quo returns within a few eps.  But at least they usually spend a minimum amount of time on it.
-No copies.  So Marv will betray them and they'll be at square one.  Or he'll get killed.  Either way.  They're screwed.
-Called it.
-I was going to guess Larry, but Brennan works as an enemy too.
-I see we're getting our standard finale Michael/Fionna kiss

burn notice, nikita, vampire diaries

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