1. I turned my alarm clock off this morning and promptly went back to sleep for another hour. I blame the cat. She was cuddling with me and I couldn't reach my light without knocking her off so it was still dark. Thankfully I set my alarm clock for an hour and 20 minutes before I have to leave. 20 minutes is totally enough time to get ready. Heck, I've gotten ready in 5 before, though that's really not fun.
2. You know what? Someone needs to write fic where River Song's digital copy (or whatever it is) from Forest of the Dead somehow ends up in New Cap City with Zoe and Tamara. She could be their mentor in badassery. Not that they need much help, but she could just give them a little more refinement in their technique. I mean, anyone who can make a Dalek beg for mercy obviously has skills mere mortals do not.
3. Caroline on the Vampire Diaries is seriously becoming one of my favorite characters ever. I liked her in the first season because she was imperfect and had flaws but was still so sweet, but her transformation to a vampire this season has been incredible. She's such a badass now, and still manages to be sweet.
I don't care if you don't watch the show, you must see her in action because she is glorious.
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