You know the drill

Sep 23, 2010 21:02

The Vampire Diaries

-ALARIC!!!!!!  God, where has that pretty man been
-Lycanthrope, lol. 
-Where are they?  Running through the woods with revealing, skin tight clothing.  I approve.
-Damon is Béla Lugosi, lolololol
-So Damon knew he wouldn't really kill Jeremy.  He could be lying, but I believe him for some reason.  I may just be a sucker.
-I'm guessing crossbow chick has met Katherine and thought Elena was her?
-Caroline and Stefan being pseudo daughter and father is adorable.
-Oh no, Stefan lost Caroline and there's a werewolf on the loose!
-Mason in chains...they really love their fans on this show.
-Oh Tyler, you're really not that bright, are you, poor thing.
-So Stefan knows there's a werewolf around and he's walking towards the growling.  Good plan.
-Nice job using minimal CGI to avoid the werewolves looking like shit.  I doubt that'll last.
-Nice to see Damon trying again, but I'm glad Elena ain't given in.
-Oh god, they're going to get attacked.  Will they compel Matt to make him forget, or will he know about the supernatural?
-Oh Caroline, no!
-Wait, that was an actual wolf?  Not CGI?  Well, that's one way to avoid cost and the problem of the CGI looking like shit.
-I can't particularly blame Caroline for compelling Matt to forget this particular incident.
-Lol, Stefan, bb, you tried to walk away.  Elena called you on your bullshit.
-Mason, naked.  What is this show trying to do to me?
-Aw, poor Caroline.  It's probably safest for Matt, though.  She's too new, her control is too tenuous.
-Ooooooo, Aunt Jenna's gonna get some.
-OK, so I am a sucker, Damon didn't know.
-I'm really glad that Elena is still pissed off at Damon.  I don't believe she'll never be his friend again, but it shouldn't be easy.  He fucked up.  He fucked up big time.  The prince of darkness needs to realize his actions have consequences and when he does something awful he has to pay the price.
-Katherine, keep your hands off my Caroline!
-You know, if it was Damon's blood, but Katherine killed her, who is considered Caronline's sire?

Favorite Quotes

Caroline: ...and now you want me to eat bunnies, and I'm kind of freaking out!

Caroline: So you're saying that now I'm basically an insecure, neurotic, control freak on crack?
Stefan: Well, I wasn't going to say it like that, but...

Caronline: Why are you looking at him with your Serious Vampire look?
Stefan: My serious vampire look?
Caronline: Mmhm.  I mean, it's different than your Worried Vampire look, neither of which stray too far from your "Hey, it's Tuesday" look.

Yeah Caroline was rather awesome this week.


-Alex is clever, I like.
-The whole unlimited computer access thing is starting to bug me.  I really hope they address this soon.
-Division framing innocent people for murder.  That's more like the Section I know.
-Nikita with big guns will never fail to give me tingly feelings.
-Her look when Jill pulled out the salad, lol.
-OK, Birkhoff had to have been, like 12 when Nikita started at Divison if she first got there 6 years ago.
-Wouldn't it have been better to wait until the cops were seated before trying to sneak out?
-Lol, Birkhoff isn't a mole but his molar is.
-I love how Michael takes pleasure in Birkhoff's pain.  And so does Amanda, apparently.
-If Jill is wanted for murder, how will she be able to publish the story?
-Alex, I know you're freaking about helping lead them to Nikita, but you better keep up a better face.
-Dumbass kid.
-That one guy's gun is ridiculously huge.  Overcompensation?
-Nikita/Michael showdown-yay
-The recruits get rewarded with (outdated) electronics.  Heh.
-OK, seriously, they're not allowed anything with a hard drive, but Alex can get continuous access to the computer lab with no supervision?  It's killing me.  This is the kind of thing that keeps this show from being completely awesome.

Favorite Lines

Jill: What?  I eat when I'm nervous!  [you and me both, honey]

Amanda: Full cavity search as well.
Birkhoff: Hey, that is overkill.  Amanda!

nikita, vampire diaries

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