I am a woman obsessed

Sep 22, 2010 09:30

Seriously, River Song has climbed into my head and will not leave.

I can't stop trying to figure her out!  None of the theories I've found so far make a lick of sense to me (she's his daughter?  She's the TARDIS?  Really?), but I can't come up with anything myself.  I think their relationship has undeniable romantic qualities, but I'm not convinced it's as simple as her being his wife.  And who did she kill?  It was obviously set up for us to think it's the Doctor, but if that's the case it certainly doesn't last since the last time she sees him before the Library, he takes her on a date and gives her the screwdriver so she can go sacrifice herself, and that takes place after she's been imprisoned for murder (I think...this timey whimey stuff is confusing).

I do like the idea that she was a bad guy when she first meets him.  She obviously has a ruthless, morally gray streak.  She made a Dalek beg for mercy!  So maybe she's a villain at first, but the Doctor (and Amy), knowing she'll be good in her future, convince her that she wants to change?  But before that happens she plays a part in something bad and that's why 'everything changed'?

Why do I have to wait until next year for a new season!  This is not fair!  I need to start timing my new show watches to correspond more directly with when new episodes will air.  Waiting sucks.

river song, doctor who

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