(no subject)

Dec 01, 2006 07:01

i find it so funny reading sarah's posts....life seems so strange and different for all of us...

i seriously think i need to get diagnosed for ADD.....i can't do anything for longer than a half hour without getting severely distracted....and frankly i can't afford to be distracted right now

goddamn i love 6am in the morning...im running on a rockstar and and extra large diet coke

this is night TWO of this...well last night it was till 4:30....

i'm throwing in the towel at 6:30 this time

why is LA so fuckin frantic all the time?!

oh and i've come to the conclusion that USC is the reason california is in an energy crisis

The Fray played at my school tonight...they were purdy good...i'm not amazingly in love with them...and the sound sucked for some reason and we were way in front for awhile

ok check it

The Fray

a ferris wheel

and xmas lights on the trees in mccarthy quad

it was the fuckin PPP semi finals with new years on the way!

never EVER go to a Fray concert with no lovie boy...it SUCKS....i WAS there with will...but i think some calls on last sat from amigos was tooo much of a hint and now he's backin off....like a LOT

how 11th grade logan is this?!

anywho i got all emo and came to Leavey libraby at 10:30 and i'm still here

stu put this place in perfect words: were people go to commit suicide during freshman year at USC

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