Title: King & Princess Of The Tower
Characters: 'Shirosaki', Yachiru, Tatsuki, Ikkaku
Locale: The tower, 'Shirosaki's' cell.
Timeframe: Evening
What: Yachiru sneaks up to say hello to her friend again.
Rating/Warning: Shirosaki. Violence. Ikkaku.
It was a pleasant day outside, (
but no one gave a damn )
But that didn't make him right.
"You--" she began but stopped short at his laughter. Mad...absolutely mad. No question about it if there ever had been one. She wondered how he knew so much about Ichigo, why he was so preoccupied with him...why he looked so much like him. Tatsuki wondered, and privately, she worried.
She rolled her eyes at the pale faced one before pausing as she thought she heard something...a shift of feet...? Glancing over her shoulder she caught a flash of pink.
Yachiru. She hadn't left yet.
"Yeah, we can't stop you if you can't even get started," she bit back, keeping her gaze on the spot she swore she'd seen Yachiru, hand absently checking the lock as she began to move away.
It rattled and the rattle echoed through the vacant hall and she stopped as if frozen in place, realization biting her heels.
Yachiru...the scrambling for her things...the lock...
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