F the 13th, School, Love?

Jun 13, 2008 21:06

I still love him to pieces. Haha. I cried a lot today and stuff...weird. Hmm. "Don't cry...Just remember...we are not bound by our circumstances." <33 And I got a hug and one last joke from him and he told me he'd see me in the summer at the beach and stuff - off Tues. and Fri. and I need to remember just to ask for him and he'll be 'round. Lovely. :3

Happy Friday the Thirteenth! NO MORE SCHOOL! It's the first time in forever that I failed to dress up for the event. I just got back from Devon's house a little bit ago. Ugh. Grandparents kicked me out for good this time now, too. And my sister's dog fucking shit in my room while I was gone. Not once, not twice, but about six or seven fucking times. And she refuses to clean it up. Well, somebody had better or I'm killing them and that damned dog. D<

Contacts very dry...foggy vision. @____@

Gods, I love him. Uggghhh. <3

AM + FM = <3 ?
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