Title: Moonlight Sleeping On A Midnight Lake Fandom: Torchwood Character: Gwen Cooper (Gen) Rating: G Notes: Written for tw100 Challenge #162-Homeless. Unbeta'ed Summary: Looking for Torchwood.
Thanks! I embrace Gwen partly because so many have attacked her. I think I write a better Jack or Owen, but I'm glad to hear that this felt right to you.
Well there's been some talk that the events of the Dr. Who season finale have taken care of that. Besides, Torchwood has always had multiple branches. Jack and Gwen can globetrot and banter and fight aliens as necessary. Thanks for reading and commenting. This was another tricky prompt for me to get a handle on.
I want CoE to end exactly the way it did and for TW4 to start with Jack coming back full as his omni-sexual, polyamorous self, in full smile and swagger to have sex with as many men, women, aliens etc as possible. The Jack we were given in The Empty Child and should have had in Torchwood all along.
Comments 23
As for doctor who rewriting time I dreamt it of taking care of the 456 incident as well, but I'm not sure RTD wants it.
Can I friend You?
I want CoE to end exactly the way it did and for TW4 to start with Jack coming back full as his omni-sexual, polyamorous self, in full smile and swagger to have sex with as many men, women, aliens etc as possible. The Jack we were given in The Empty Child and should have had in Torchwood all along.
I love the sense of place as well as the philosophical payoff.
ETA - Just looked up the lyrics too -- really neat! I didn't know the song but it's very appropriate.
Glad you liked.
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