"Shrinkage" H/W drabble-Post Season 5

Aug 02, 2009 22:38

Title: Shrinkage
Fandom: House MD
Pairing: House/Wilson
Wordcount: 100
Rating: PG
Notes: Written for little_missmimi who stumped me in the Stump the Author Meme and gave me the prompt: revelation. Takes place post Season 5 and obliquely spoilerish. Thanks to hllangel for the look-over and a push in the right direction.

To Tell The Truth )

housefic, house md, house/wilson, fanfic, drabble

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Comments 21

chewy_101 August 3 2009, 05:51:34 UTC
Just awesome.


karaokegal August 4 2009, 02:57:45 UTC
Thanks sweetie!


drunken_hedghog August 3 2009, 06:29:01 UTC
Ha! Very House.


karaokegal August 4 2009, 02:57:05 UTC
Thanks! It's good to get my feet back into the water after a month of no fanfic.


topaz_eyes August 3 2009, 06:33:52 UTC
Oh, OUCH. This *hurts*, and even better, was how you did it in such a tightly written drabble. Nicely done.


karaokegal August 4 2009, 02:54:06 UTC
Thanks for reading. I always seem to be bringing the OUCH, but it's still how I see the situation, especially the likelihood that House would come clean, even if it was necessary for his own recovery.


little_missmimi August 3 2009, 12:57:04 UTC
That's so sad, but really good. Thank you :)


karaokegal August 4 2009, 02:50:45 UTC
Thanks sweetie. It is sad, but it's how I see the relationship. Thanks for reading and commenting.


lady_dizzy August 3 2009, 20:37:18 UTC
Ow, that's so sad, but very good! Great drabble!


karaokegal August 4 2009, 02:50:05 UTC
It is sad, but I think it reflects the reality of House and Wilson's relationship. Thanks so much for reading and commenting.


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