"Shrinkage" H/W drabble-Post Season 5

Aug 02, 2009 22:38

Title: Shrinkage
Fandom: House MD
Pairing: House/Wilson
Wordcount: 100
Rating: PG
Notes: Written for little_missmimi who stumped me in the Stump the Author Meme and gave me the prompt: revelation. Takes place post Season 5 and obliquely spoilerish. Thanks to hllangel for the look-over and a push in the right direction.

“And what is the nature of your relationship with Dr. Wilson?”

House had always known it would come to this. That’s why he’d fought the process for so long. The pain of detox was bad enough without having his psyche poked and prodded by some Freudy Cat with delusions of primal scenes.

With a few well-chosen words, he could reveal who was really the bastard and who’d settled for what he could get, but House would go back to Vicodin-induced hallucinations before he’d admit that vulnerability.

The psychiatrist was waiting, pen poised for a dramatic confession.

“Barely know the guy.”

housefic, house md, house/wilson, fanfic, drabble

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