"Some Comfort" House MD Wilson/Chase Wordcount-300 Rating-PG13

May 22, 2009 20:28

Title: Some Comfort
Fandom: House MD
Pairing: Wilson/Chase (references to Wilson/Amber, Chase/Cameron)
Rating: PG13
Wordcount: 300
Notes: Written for mmom, Day 22. Prompt from vanillafully: Chase: Altarboy, angel, slut. Thanks to hllangel for quickie beta. References to Seasons 2, 3, and 4. NO SEASON FIVE SPOILERS.

Summary: Wilson breaks his own rules.

You keep on building the lie )

mmom, james wilson, house md, wilson/chase, fanfic, robert chase, housefic, mmom 2009

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Comments 28

amproof May 23 2009, 04:11:34 UTC
I don't often get to say this in response to one of your fics, so...



vanillafluffy May 23 2009, 05:22:16 UTC
Oh yay! That's charming and just what I needed after the day I've had---thanks so much!

(And a total surprise, as I'd completely forgotten about the prompts!)


karaokegal May 23 2009, 05:24:47 UTC
Glad you liked. *G* It's been a long time (last MMOM?) since I wrote Chase and it was fun to take my favorite guilty pleasure out for a spin.


vanillafluffy May 23 2009, 07:19:27 UTC
Funny you should use that icon---I just got a ff.net email that someone favorited "Nachos". :D


karaokegal May 23 2009, 17:06:14 UTC


daasgrrl May 23 2009, 06:18:43 UTC
You know... I really kind of wish ;)


karaokegal May 23 2009, 17:06:58 UTC
I think they'd actually be good for each other in some ways.


tourmaline1973 May 23 2009, 07:52:28 UTC
MMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Yeahhh.


karaokegal May 23 2009, 17:09:27 UTC
Thanks! For some reason, I'm willing to give Wilson/Chase a bit more slack in the schmoop department. Although all my previous Wilson/Chase has been super dark.


photoash May 23 2009, 07:52:30 UTC
Interesting...that's a pairing I think is a tough sell (W/C) but you did a nice job of it here! :)


karaokegal May 23 2009, 17:12:03 UTC
It's the first time I've written W/C in over a year. Usually it's much darker than this, but at this point in the characters' development, I'm actually willing to give them more of a schmoopy cast than H/W.

Thanks for reading and commenting.


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