Fandom Participation Meme

Jan 18, 2009 18:53

Ganked from severinne

How many fandoms do you actively participate in (reading, writing and/or commenting)?

Three that I would call major fandoms.
House MD, Who/Torchwood, Life On Mars
But there's tons of offshoots that I'm tangentially involved in as well.

How many fandoms do you lurk in?
Let's say one-Heroes. Although I've written and commented there as well.

How many fandoms have you actively participated in (include current #s)?
House, Who/Torchwood, Alias, CSI-NY, Life On Mars, State of Play, Spooks/MI5 yuletide, (yeah, I think it's a fandom unto itself), various RPS/RPF pairings, Star Trek:TOS

How many fandoms have you lurked in?
Aside from Heroes, which I just don't have the energy for, I've never been much of a lurker.

How many fandoms do you currently write in?
Define currently.
I'd say most of what I'm writing is either House MD or Who/Torchwood, but you never know what the Muse will come up with.

How many fandoms do you currently read in?
House, Who/TW, LoM, SoP, Heroes,

How many fandoms have you written in (include current #s)?
HAVE YOU SEEN MY LJ? I wrote thirty-one separate fandoms for mmom 2007 and a lot for 2008 as well. No way to count it all up right now. Sorry.

How many fandoms have you read in (include current #s)?
Same problem. Between yuletide, mmom, rare_slash etc etc...too many to count.

If you write, do you write Gen, Slash, Het or a combination?
I came into to fandom as a House/Wilson slasher (although my first posted fic was actually crossover femslash), but I have since embraced my bi-fictionality and even turned out a gen-fic or two.

Do you read Gen, Slash, Het or a combination?
Hot and Well-Written Trumps Everything.

meme, fandom, journal

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