Back in the saddle-Personal-Mostly diet/exercise.

Nov 28, 2006 12:08

Back to the gym this week. Two days in a row. Monday I did ten minutes on the evil step-monster and then some weights and floor work. Today I managed 30 minutes on the tread-mill. It seems like weeks, if not not months. It was all the way back in August that I started having the back pain that put me out of commission through most of the autumn. Then I started getting so caught up in my LJ life that I stayed up every night until midnight if not later. Not conducive to getting to the gym before work. Then it was the week before vacation and then vacation and then the week after vacation.

This past Sunday was "Run Wild", the 10K/5K, previous known as "Race To The Far Side". For 20 years this was a San Francisco tradition. The race was done to benefit the Academy Of Science, which is the SF equivalent of the Museum Of Natural History. Gary Larson always contributed a cartoon for the t-shirt and people actually dressed up like Far Side characters. It was sort of like a miniature Bay to Breakers without the beer and the naked people. I've done this race for at least five consecutive years. Rain and heat and cold and just not wanting to get up at that hour but doing it anyway. This year, it changed to "Run Wild" and Gary Larson is no longer involved. I did it anyway, barely. Ivan and I slogged our way through the 5-K and walking those three miles was harder than it should it have been considering I finished 1/2 Marathon only five months ago. Truly pathetic as was the turnout. I don't think there were even 500 people there. Sure it was gloomy with rain predicted, but I've seen bigger crowds than that for "Run To The Far Side" in the pouring rain. Very "end of an era." Sad. Pathetic. But not as sad and pathetic as my out-of-shapeness.

So Sunday night I came home from karaoke and got to sleep by 11:00AM and hauled ass out the door and back to the gym. I'm also back to eating fresh fruit and non-fatty protein for breakfast. Luckily there is a fabulous salad bar on Sutter Streeet across from the Galleria between my gym and the office. Fresh watermelon, mango, kiwi, cantaloupe, etc etc.

Not sure how long the good tidings will last, but for right now I'm feeling good and positive and ready to sign up for some of next year's runs.


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