"Quid Pro Quo" House/Chase PG13 100 Words

Nov 22, 2006 18:21

Title: Quid Pro Quo
Author: Karaokegal
Word Count: 100
Pairing: House/Chase
Spoilers: One little plot point from "Whac-A-Mole"
Summary: Who gets what?
Notes: Because that one little plot point wouldn't stop bugging me. Un-beta-ed. Shpilkes strikes again.

Chase threw himself at House... )

house/chase, housefic, drabble

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Comments 12

zekkass November 23 2006, 03:30:41 UTC

House, you adorable barstad...


87octane November 23 2006, 13:53:06 UTC
Holy crap!
Where'd you get your icon!? XD!


zekkass November 23 2006, 17:11:43 UTC
I got it here.
I take it you like it...?


immortalje November 23 2006, 09:00:12 UTC
*lol* this was great. And the last line was so House *g*


tigertrapped November 23 2006, 09:18:31 UTC
Deliciously wrong. I'm awfully smug that current storylines are bearing out my thesis that this show is all about House's pain, his addiction and the lengths he'll go to feed it. I mean I know you - and most sane fans - KNEW that, all along. But you'd be surprised the number who registered surprise when I went doewn that route in the Tritter/House fic. Surely the whole point of this "puzzle" is House. Whether or not the super-smart doc can figure out what's killing HIM and cure it??


karaokegal November 23 2006, 20:39:28 UTC
I'm just glad this particular bunny was able to resolve itself in 100 words. Despite my H/W love, my round heeled self is addicted to painslut!Chase giving it up to House, Wilson or just about anybody else. This season has been an emotional roller-coaster from the Ketamine to Tritter to the current H/W angst-fest. I've never been so obsessed with a show in my life, probably because I've never had so many enablers to feed my addiction. And I love your for it.


tigertrapped November 23 2006, 20:52:42 UTC
It's a mutual thing, darling. You feed my addiction and I try to reciprocate once in a while. I'm almost terrified to see the next episodes when they arrive on disk for me from Germany (episodes 305 onwards). I've heard so much pain and anger and fear from the fandom, and that's just reading the headers of posts not spoilers.


starhawk2005 November 23 2006, 12:29:03 UTC
Ouch! Geez, what a thought, heheh. Still, I'll bet if House got desperate enough... ;)


87octane November 23 2006, 13:52:01 UTC
Short and very sweet... and that last line was so House. =3


87octane November 23 2006, 13:54:15 UTC
I quoted immortalje. X3


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