"Scotch & Soda" House/Cuddy-pre-show drunk!fic

Oct 23, 2006 08:30

Title: Scotch & Soda
Characteres: Greg House, Lisa Cuddy (mention of OFC)
Rating: Slightly adult
Word count: 3758
Summary: When Lisa met Greg.
Warnings: No smut. No spoilers. Lots of alcohol.
A/N-Written for fallen_arazil in gratitude for creating the attached userpic to express my slogan for all fanfic smut: Hot and Well-Written Trumps Everythng. She wanted ( Read more... )

housefic, house/cuddy

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Comments 19

vitawash24 October 23 2006, 16:15:10 UTC
Pssst. I really like this and want to read it again later, but I wanted to tell you that some of your beta comments or something are still in parts of the story (the bit about LUGs, and somewhere else).


karaokegal October 23 2006, 16:24:27 UTC
Bless you my child. I thought I was awake when I posted this, but clearly I was mistaken. Thanks a bunch. I hope I got them all out.


vitawash24 October 29 2006, 22:37:11 UTC
Okay. Now that I have time...what a great story! One of the tricky things about a fic that takes place in the past is whether or not we can see the people in this story becoming the people we know - and you've totally nailed them.


karaokegal October 29 2006, 22:56:28 UTC
Tricky is right. I was more sure about my "Lisa" voice than my House. I think he'd be closer to what we know now, but not quite as bitter. Glad you liked. Thanks for catching my brain-dead posting boo-boos and coming back to comment.


tigertrapped October 23 2006, 16:22:42 UTC
What a sweetie - it's your birthday and you're giving US the gifts! And this one was right up there with Razzle Dazzle Daisy Doll when I was eight; a right little stunner. I scarfed it in one sitting, in fact. So much here to love, especially the slightly softer version of House and Cuddy with her guard down, getting smashed.

“Picking up babes, so I’d appreciate you moving your shapely tuchus. You're cramping my style.” House loosened his tie and made a “shoo” motion before playing a few bars of “Hit the Road Jack”. She didn’t move. He produced an exaggerated expression of surprise that she was still sitting there. “Shall I act like I’m interested in what you’re doing here?”Perfection, as was the line about the unwanted pregnancy. I loved how House has to share his 'apartment' with a slug - can you imagine him standing for that now? Oh and the comment about House being like a camel made my day because it's what my parents used to say about me as a child - the only one in the family who didn't need a rest-room stop every hour on trips ( ... )


karaokegal October 23 2006, 16:28:55 UTC
Thank you sweetie. rivers_bendwas absolutely invaluable getting this one into shape.

I guess I remember how it was always incumbent on the birthday brat to bring cupcakes for the rest of the class, so I'm reliving that tradition. I feel so blessed with the goodies I've gotten today. I'll post a master "present" list later so every one can help me enjoy the loot.


babykid528 October 23 2006, 16:47:08 UTC

I loved the fic! I like your portrayal of Cuddy and I always love your portrayal of House. It's fun to see them like this, pre PPTH. She seems so outof control, which is a pleasant change from Dr. Cuddy Hospital Supervisor! Meanwhile, House seems a lot more pleasant, like I imagined he would pre-infarction!

Awesome job!

^_^ Thank you for the present! hehe!


karaokegal October 24 2006, 16:31:05 UTC
Thanks luv! I'm glad they were believable as their earlier selves in light of how we see them now. Glad you enjoyed.


(The comment has been removed)

karaokegal October 24 2006, 16:33:36 UTC
Your userpic is absolutely killin' me. Glad you liked my take on pre-"House" House.


anonymous October 23 2006, 19:20:54 UTC
Loved this!


anonymous October 24 2006, 03:10:19 UTC
Me too. :D



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