Two years, four luck runs out.

Jul 09, 2022 18:29

Tested positive.
Hubby stayed home with creeping crud on Wednesday, but I thought it was just the usual sniffles and hacking. He took two tests on Thursday and the 1st one came back Negative. I was feeling wretched and losing my voice again on Thursday, but I assumed that was over-work due to me being Mighty Mouse and working OT by my lonesome.

Then I work up on Friday feeling rubbish and by Friday afternoon, Hubby's 2nd test had come back positive.

I was freaking out because I was supposed to go to Davies hospital and both set up and secretary a 12 Step meeting and I couldn't find anyone else to do it. Hubby had to get very LOUD to tell me I couldn't go up there, get the meeting set up, ask someone else to be the secretary and leave. It was close to a fight.

He was right, of course. I ended up going to the Zoom meeting and having to secretary that, even with my shredded voice.
Then I went and got my test...and of course I'm positive.

I won't lie and I'm not sorry----I did a huge shopping run before I looked at my results.

Mostly I'm pissed that I'll be home for a week because I just cannot really do that. So I'll be out and about on food and bike, just not interacting with people.

One reason I was doing the OT was to cover other people who were out on Covid time, and now everyone else is going to have to work themselves into the ground to cover for me.

Action Plan: Don't eat, no matter what and don't lash out at hubby. Stay grateful I have health insurance, an apartment, hot water and Covid time.

Spend more time listening to Podcasts. I'm working my way through "You Must Remember This." I'm shocked and somewhat disappointed to learn that Kenneth Anger lied to me all those years ago when I truly thouoght everything in Hollywood Babylon was gospel truth.

blog., journal, covid, personal

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