May 19, 2022 08:58
I've been congested and lost my voice on Saturday night. I mean singing Karaoke at least two songs after I should have stopped wasn't my best life choice. (Especially when my last song was "You'll Never Walk Alone.") I called in sick on Sunday, but worked on Monday and my voice completely gave up the ghost at 6PM. I have not really been able to make a peep since then. I tested negative for Covid on Sunday and went to the doctor's on Tuesday, who said it was definitely not strep.
He prescribed Prednisone to shrink the swelling that was giving me the laryngitis and told me to take every over-the-counter cold and cough remedy for he rest of the symptome.
Mostly I'm feeling a lot of humility. I haven't been sick like this in over 7 years and I honestly believed that yoga, meditation, mantras and abstaining from gluten, grains, sugar, legumes and dairy would keep me save. I mean I've had two vaccines and two boosters, but I've still be gallivanting about without a mask when and whereever possible. I've also stopped even trying to wear my rubber gloves at work because I hate it so much.
And here we are. I guess the universe is trying to tell me something. The prednisone is starting to work, but not enough for me to go in and talk loudly for 8 hours. I'll have to stay silent, which is not at all easy for me, for three more days and give the steroids time to do their thing.
At least I'm desperate enough to let it happen. Last time a doctor tried to prescribe prednisone, it was for the pain in my hip and I refused because I was more terrified of "moon phase" then I was of potentially chronic back pain.
At the moment, since I did test negative for Covid on Sunday (and two Fridays before that when I had a Mint-related exposure scare) and presumably it's not strep or any other infection that could be exacerbated by steroids, my sick mind is now going to all kinds of bad, crazy places, like throat cancer....which there's absolutely not reason to think is even a possibility. I'm just so freaked out by the loss of voice and guilty about leaving my co-workers to cover for me when we are so grossly over-worked and understaffed.