Fighting vainly the old ennui...

Oct 18, 2012 17:10

Maybe it's that birthday coming up. Or the massive amounts of shit going down at work. Or my faltering attempts to maintain any kind of fitness regime. Or my absolute terror that not only will Mitt Romney win the election, but that it will be a landslide of 1984 proportions and it could literally be 16 years before we get an human being back into ( Read more... )

blog, doctor who, yuletide, fanfic, whinging, work, come as you're not, politics, fandom, journal, rambling, arrow

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Comments 8

stackcats October 19 2012, 02:37:55 UTC
I watched the first episode of Arrow on a whim and went "...bleh." about 2/3 of the way through and switched it off.

I did not realise BARROWMAN was in it! Thanks for that tip-off.


karaokegal October 19 2012, 02:40:46 UTC
He's going to show up around the 5th episode, I believe, and pretty much all we know about his character is that he's going to be "well-dressed." (Which always reminds me of the "well-spoken man" on Top Gear.) I'm only watching so that I'm at least up to speed on what's going on, unlike John's stint on Desperate Housewives where I went into it with virtually no clue beyond what I'd picked up about the show through osmosis.


stackcats October 19 2012, 02:44:42 UTC
Hmm, okay, maybe I'll give episode 2 a try and see how it goes. Basically seems to be a colossal Batman rip-off so far. But well-dressed Barrowman should be worth seeing, at least.


tourmaline1973 October 19 2012, 07:17:07 UTC
Hugh Dennis & Showaddywaddy? I know who each of these are but not together. But then I'm sure you watch more British TV than I do.


karaokegal October 19 2012, 08:10:25 UTC
Recurring bit on Mock The Week, but unfortunately the "voice" in which he is says it, is apparently Jimmy Saville's.


starhawk2005 October 19 2012, 14:23:09 UTC
before we get an human being back into the White House

LOL. *pets you* Actually, I feel much the same about the current Canadian (Conservative) Prime Minister. That dude makes the Terminator seem warm and fuzzy. :(((

First episode of Arrow was pretty MEH!

It was OK but very derivative. Oh, millionaire becomes superhero after going away and being mysteriously trained? Um, yeah, that's Chris Nolan's Batman, isn't it?

Sorry work is being a bitch, and that you're feeling down. *bighugs*

Also feeling a certain amount of fannish fatigue on a few fronts. Quite a few actually. I've always been proud to fight the good fights, but your arms get tired waving those banners all by yourself.

Meh, I don't even really involve myself in fandom wank of any kind any more. There's only so many hours in the day, and I'd rather spend them writing, if I have ANY free time, that is.


karaokegal October 19 2012, 17:19:04 UTC
The combination of self-pity and self-righteousness is not an appealing one. Especially when the "hero" seems perfectly happy to kill both random policemen and mooks JUST because they're in his way. Whatever else you can say about the good old campy Adam West days, you know that who-ever got BIFFed and POWed, was basically going to get up and be taken away by the cops, rather than dying horribly and painfully for making bad career choices.

I feel like fighting the good fandom fights and writing are the same thing. I don't write polemics or issue-fic, but I do use characterization to make a point.


starhawk2005 October 20 2012, 20:24:38 UTC
Especially when the "hero" seems perfectly happy to kill both random policemen and mooks JUST because they're in his way.

*nods* ITA. It's the same reason we stopped watching 'Person of Interest'. There's anti-heroes, and then there's ANTI-heroes.

do use characterization to make a point.

Makes perfect sense to me! :)


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