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Comments 18

jagfanlj April 26 2012, 05:12:02 UTC
0_0 I should make a meme-thingie so I can tick off every show we have in common. I fell in love with Joe Spano on the Hill. (And I don't mean Capitol Hill!)

I could only watch Hill Street when Dad wasn't around, but I enjoyed it a lot. If Belker is the one they called Animal, I did like him. Mainly because he was so out-there, and did things I knew many cops would love to be able to get away with -- like chomping the finger of a "perp". ;P (He also reminded me of Animal on the Muppets. I never figured out which one came first.)


karaokegal April 26 2012, 20:18:49 UTC
As far as I know, Word of God says that Animal was based on Keith Moon. It's odd how few Hill Street alums seem to still be working regularly, not sure whether it's by choice or not. I know Bruce Weitz has been seen on a couple of series and was in at least one episode of Due South, but you'd think the rest of them would still be visible. I really love seeing Spano on NCIS and it's certainly one reason I ship Gibbs/Fornell as hard as I do.


joanne_c April 27 2012, 12:06:41 UTC
Bruce Weitz is also recurring on General Hospital nowadays (thank you, Soap Opera Digest). I think Betty Thomas is directing, too, so working but not as visibly.


chicating April 26 2012, 21:05:18 UTC
"Hi, Ma...yeah, I'm sure you look awesome in a bathing suit...Dad said that? Well, Ma, he's 84...you have to make certain allowances. Don't cry, Ma.'


karaokegal April 26 2012, 21:09:58 UTC
OH GOD! That's right. I'd totally forgotten Belker's awesome conversations with his mom, usually with some perp sitting there, commenting or making funny expressions. Man it's been a long time since I saw the show, but I think it's pretty much influenced everything remotely law-enforcement related that came afterwards.


chicating April 26 2012, 21:17:43 UTC
My essay about that.
Yeah, usually Belker's mom called when he was arresting that one guy that gave the fake names everytime.


joanne_c April 27 2012, 12:13:12 UTC
I really enjoyed reading that, thank you for linking. I wanted to be Joyce for a while too.


In some ways... chicating April 27 2012, 14:43:47 UTC
I might have made a fine lawyer, but I don't have their ability to be adversarial in one context, then turn it off and treat the person as a colleague afterwards. Thanks...I was wondering if that was vain, actually.
I miss writing for The Hat.


karaokegal May 3 2012, 01:48:40 UTC
Finally got a chance to read your essay. Wonderfully written and full of so many great memories. I like your analysis of Chief Daniels? He was a prick, wasn't he and we were generally invited to loathe him, but from time to time we were even given some insight and sympathy for him. You were a bit hard on my beloved Henry, but I can't say you were wrong.


HSB Shipping marvolomaven April 26 2012, 21:19:30 UTC
I caught this post on my Tumblr HSB tracker. Hill Street Blues was one of the first shows I shipped hard. I seriously wrote poetry about Lucy and Joe in 8th grade. It's funny, for years I have had memories of them being the ideal TV couple only to have rewatched the show recently and found out that they were never actually official. It was like my formative fandom life was a lie!

I always love finding a fellow fan.


Re: HSB Shipping karaokegal May 3 2012, 01:44:02 UTC
Hi sweetie! Thanks for coming over and checking it out. Hill Street was a major part of my life and I've revisiting it, along with the other shows I'm writing about for the 100 Things Meme. It's also lovely finding out how much the same shows I grew up with meant to other people who I might never have found without latter day fandom and the internet. chicating's essay really hit home.

P.S. I remember the one time they did kiss, and the sweetly stunned way Lucy said, "Joe, you were kissin' me."


joanne_c April 27 2012, 12:24:02 UTC
Off-topic (ish) tangent - Jon-Erik Hexum, one of the true Hollywood tragedies. I could have seen him doing similar things to Clooney given the chance. Or at the very least Tom Berenger. Though that may be nostalgia and tragedy coloured glasses ( ... )


karaokegal May 3 2012, 00:03:01 UTC
Weren't Frank and Joyce an existing couple either at the very beginning of the show or within the first few weeks? I don't really consider it a Moonlighting situation for that reason. It was incredibly chemistry both in the romantic pairings and in the way almost all the characters related to each other.


chicating May 3 2012, 02:15:16 UTC
I think for the first six or eight episodes they were checking each other out(and JD made a pitch for Joyce) but it wasn't long enough to become Will They Or Won't They? They were going to.
My friend says that both Travanti and Hamel are gay...they really tapped into something in any case.(but it kind of explains a lot about my success with relationships that my big inspiration for heterosexual love in the eighth grade was not.)
I thought Fay was funny, but they only did a half-adequate job of making her a real character...kind of like Anya on Buffy. She's kind of there to be obnoxious/inappropriate and it's funny to this day that when I flip out like a mammal, I still think of her.
Unfortunately, I don't have Furillo to turn to.


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