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chicating April 26 2012, 21:17:43 UTC
My essay about that.
Yeah, usually Belker's mom called when he was arresting that one guy that gave the fake names everytime.


joanne_c April 27 2012, 12:13:12 UTC
I really enjoyed reading that, thank you for linking. I wanted to be Joyce for a while too.


In some ways... chicating April 27 2012, 14:43:47 UTC
I might have made a fine lawyer, but I don't have their ability to be adversarial in one context, then turn it off and treat the person as a colleague afterwards. Thanks...I was wondering if that was vain, actually.
I miss writing for The Hat.


karaokegal May 3 2012, 01:48:40 UTC
Finally got a chance to read your essay. Wonderfully written and full of so many great memories. I like your analysis of Chief Daniels? He was a prick, wasn't he and we were generally invited to loathe him, but from time to time we were even given some insight and sympathy for him. You were a bit hard on my beloved Henry, but I can't say you were wrong.


chicating May 3 2012, 02:00:05 UTC
Henry's a good man. I like him, too...he's just a little too convinced he's the only good guy. I liked it that he wrote a novel about life at the precinct and everyone broke his balls about it.


karaokegal May 3 2012, 02:06:53 UTC
That must have happened after I stopped watching because I have no memory of it whatsoever, which is just a well, because that is one of my least favorite tropes now. (Yes, NCIS, I am looking at you.)


chicating May 3 2012, 02:23:13 UTC
If I recall correctly, the only one that didn't complain about the way they looked in the book was, like, Belker. Who just sort of shrugs at Henry's description of something weird he did. Even Frank was all"Does the captain have to be so boring?"


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