Happy Miracle Day to my US Torchies! (Come and share the LOVE)

Jul 08, 2011 09:15

We're finally here. Nearly two years to the day. It's been a lot of ups and downs and hopes and fears, but what John Barrowman said at San Diego Comic Con 2009 has come to be: Bigger and Better than Ever ( Read more... )

blog, fandom, happydancing, torchwood, journal, love

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Comments 11

warmdarkwoman July 8 2011, 20:48:50 UTC
I never could get into Torchwood, even though I think that Barrowman is one of the hottest men alive. I really only want to watch him make out with Nine and/or Ten for an hour. (I fear when Jack will finally meet up with Eleven, because it'll feel like ebebophilia.)


karaokegal July 8 2011, 20:53:42 UTC
. I really only want to watch him make out with Nine and/or Ten for an hour.

I'm sure Jack would like that as well, and Barrowman would certainly approve.

(I fear when Jack will finally meet up with Eleven, because it'll feel like ebebophilia.)
Out of curiosity, do you get the same vibe off Eleven/River?

Alexandra Elizabeth "Alex" Kingston (born 11 March 1963}
John Scot Barrowman (born 11 March 1967)


SPOILERS onlyonechoice July 9 2011, 02:59:50 UTC
Oh...my heart, she has met her quota for pitter-pats.

So much love for Gwen and Rhys, living at the edge of everything with the little mite.

The earmuffs were an awesome touch.

And JACK...oh Jack, I missed you. I wish your hair was a little less wild though, but that coat, that attitude, so lovely. And now, scarily, so vulnerable!

Rhys, I still love you for being your big, angry, protective self.

ANDY! All I kept saying was, "Captain Andy" from the gag reel. It was great to see you too.

*happy, happy sigh* Oh show. I can't wait for more.


Re: SPOILERS karaokegal July 9 2011, 03:03:05 UTC
Joining you in the happy dance! Go forth and spread the love!


photoash July 10 2011, 21:53:41 UTC
I am impressed with the new premise a lot!! I think having Jack mortal and everyone else not is a fantastic amazing idea :D that I can't wait to see what happens with it!!!

(oh if Only the doctor could come help <3 )


karaokegal July 10 2011, 21:55:35 UTC
I'd love it if Eleven showed up and Jack was like, "Not so wrong now!"


photoash July 10 2011, 21:57:37 UTC
See Eleven... he would be so confused by Jack's sexual displays towards him <3 and Amy would find it amusing and Rory would be clueless and it'd be lovely :D


SPOILERS HERE ALSO rustydog July 12 2011, 04:31:55 UTC
I had told myself beforehand that I had very simple needs: if there was just one scene with Rhys & Gwen yelling at each other til their accents got really thick, I'd be happy. ('Cause that turns me on. ::cough::) And then if we got Gwen shooting a gun while holding a baby, that would be a super bonus. But then there was GWEN IN PLAID SHIRT and P.C. Andy being awesome and JACK STAYED AWAY TO PROTECT GWEN and BAZOOKA ON THE BEACH and she had PINK EAR PROTECTION FOR THE BABY. ::puddle:: Oh, and Jack continuing to use names of dead people he loved for disguises. /tinysadOwensquee

::dance:: Worth the wait. :)


Re: SPOILERS HERE ALSO karaokegal July 12 2011, 04:36:20 UTC
Joining you in happy-dance land as well as sad Owen moment land. I KNOW there's gonna be some stuff coming up that may be cringe-worthy, but I was THRILLED that Owen got the first "shout-out."


emmiegray July 12 2011, 05:24:43 UTC
Loved it! Was it my imagination or was that cute little baby smiling when Gwen was holding her and shooting up the helicopter? Jane Espenson love, I saw Buffy alum names (Kelly Manners, Shawna unspellable and unpronouncable last name) and ohhhh - Owen Harper, FBI. *dies of squee*

What was neat this time was that both my boys watched it with me. Totally and unashamedly indoctrinating them!

I loved the moment when Rhys suggests their daughter could live forever, Gwen says 'Don't bring her into this' and then, on a dime, 'Do you think she could?'

So much goodness. And I am so afraid for Jack. 8-) Thank you for allowing me to squee.


karaokegal July 12 2011, 17:35:12 UTC
Welcome! So much love and right on with the indoctrination. The boys should know awesome when they see it.

I was so happy that Owen got the first "old" TW shout-out.

We'll have a Squeeeee post through-out the series I think. I KNOW there's going to be some stuff I don't like, but I'm determined for this to be a positive experience, unlike CoE where the anticipation and pre-show hype had been so nauseating.


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