30 Days of Torchwood Meme-Day 19

Jun 19, 2011 09:06

Ganked from teamharkness and presented in honor of Torchwood: Miracle Day, premiering on July 8, 2011.


Day 19 - Your favourite Jack moment

Jack leaves to follow the Doctor.
This clip incorporates footage from Torchwood-End Of Days and Dr Who-Utopia.

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Because that's the single most "Jack" thing he did in the entire course of Torchwood ( Read more... )

30 days of torchwood, torchwood, jack harkness

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Comments 12

scififangeek June 19 2011, 18:08:39 UTC
That look on his face is beautiful. I have to agree. I love Jack's loyalty to the Doctor even if I think that Ten sometimes doesn't deserve it. ;)


karaokegal June 19 2011, 21:57:53 UTC
I genuinely believe the reason Jack came back was NOT for either Gwen OR Ianto or "all of you." It was because knowing how the Doctor really felt hurt too much and that little "I don't mind, really," was hardly enough to over-come "It hurts to look at you, Jack, cause you're wrong."

However, notice just how fast Jack skedaddled BACK to the Doctor as soon as he had a good enough excuse and a functioning time-vortex manipulator. (Only to sort of get it slammed in his face that the Doctor was still obsessed with Rose.)


scififangeek June 20 2011, 00:37:25 UTC
I couldn't buy his returning to his team for the reason he gave either. And I wasn't surprised how fast he returned to his team. It does make me sad still the level of Jack's loyalty sometimes.


photoash June 28 2011, 22:08:33 UTC
I was so excited when I saw that on Doctor Who <3 :D that Jack was back was awesome!! :)

(and with my love of jack/rose/doctor - I squealed with glee when we saw them talking about Rose and poor Martha "Good ole Rose" My heart broke for her a bit even as I squeed :) )


karaokegal June 28 2011, 22:10:27 UTC
YAY! Jack on Who is always awesome.

Poor Martha! That moment really sums up her dilemma for the whole season. (Along with the "you too?" bonding moment with Jack.) I really do admire her for walking away, and RTD for writing her exit so that she got to go on her own terms...after saving the world.


photoash June 28 2011, 22:20:34 UTC
I actually really like that Martha ended up with Mickey that was pretty awesome :D and also personality wise I think they would mesh well!

The one thing I didn't get was ... what were they doing??? Unit? Torchwood? Freelance??

I wish Martha was on Torchwood :( they really missed the boat not having her on as part of Jack's team - especially post Owen!!

It's kind of like how sad I was that Jack was not in the mid season finale episode of Who this season :( Moffat obviously wants to play with River only but *sad sad* what a great moment to have Jack! (and get his reaction to Eleven -- oh Eleven you would be so confused by sexual innuendo! Amy would have to protect/explain it for him :) )


karaokegal June 28 2011, 22:26:28 UTC
In both cases, the answer is "Doylist" meaning it was circumstances. Martha was supposed to be in Torchwood. (When/If you get to Children of Earth, you'll see the part that basically got written in to cover the things she probably would have done.) But Freema got cast in L&O UK, so she couldn't do it.

Moff has expressed interest in getting Jack back into Who and again, he would have fit perfectly into the "army" that the Doctor assembled, but by that time John was in the United States filming Torchwood. That's why I still have hope that we WILL get Jack back on Who, written by Moff, being his awesome, omni-sexual self.

As far as WHAT Mickey and Martha were up to? We really don't know, but my guess and a lot of shared fanon seems to be some kind of mercenary work.


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