30 Days of Torchwood Meme-Day 19

Jun 19, 2011 09:06

Ganked from teamharkness and presented in honor of Torchwood: Miracle Day, premiering on July 8, 2011.


Day 19 - Your favourite Jack moment

Jack leaves to follow the Doctor.
This clip incorporates footage from Torchwood-End Of Days and Dr Who-Utopia.

image Click to view

Because that's the single most "Jack" thing he did in the entire course of Torchwood. No matter what Jack feels about any of the team or the team as a whole, NOTHING, repeat NOTHING is as important as the Doctor. The look on his face when he hears the TARDIS is sheer elation and joy. THIS is what he's been waiting for the past 100 years and he's going no matter what.

30 days of torchwood, torchwood, jack harkness

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