7 miles-slow jogging with walk breaks

Mar 27, 2011 12:00

Time: 2:28:32

Believe it or not, that's faster than I thought it was going to be. I was anticipating three hours. That's farther than I've gone in a very long time. Weather was cooperative. Some gloom some sun, but crisp and not too much wind.

Came home and had Special K, skim milk, blueberries and 1 tspn sugar. I'd been promising myself a nice fatty breakfast to get through the run, but I lied and I'm glad I did.

Heading for a nice soak right now.


Side note: Do we really think Pandora is a good name for a dog? It was a Yorkie/Shih Tzu mix that someone brought to the Mint yesterday. Very well behaved. Not yappy or anything. But really, Pandora?

running, exercise, food

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